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At the Center Pier (Canto Beach) and at the Ossos Beach, is possible to find water taxis which the trips are taken to the North beaches: Azeda, Azedinha, Armacao, Joao Fernandes, João Fernandinho, Canto, Tartaruga and Manguinhos.

At the Armação Pier and the Center Pier (Canto Beach), the boat trips happen daily and they leave in the morning and afternoon. It is possible to get your tickets at the travel agencies or the credited sellers located thought the city.

Source:  Armação dos Búzios City hall

Find the 23 beaches at Armação dos Búzios:


Praia da Gorda




Praia das Virgens

Praia dos Amores

Praia do Canto

Praia da Armação

Praia dos Ossos

Praias Azeda e Azedinha

Praias de João Fernandes e João Fernandinho

Praia Brava

Praia Olho de Boi

Praia do Forno

Praia da Foca

Praia da Ferradura

Praia dos Amores

Praia da Ferradurinha

Praia de Tucuns

Praia de José Gonçalves

Praia das Caravelas

Praia das Moças – Ilha Feia